Research projects

Innovation zones have several important mandates to achieve their wealth creation objectives. One of these objectives is to develop knowledge to propel innovation in companies and, thus, accelerate the commercialization of new products.

Research projects are important for developing a highly qualified workforce. They strengthen the network between research players and industry, thus facilitating the transition from the idea to the market. It is also a tool of choice for attracting talent from here, but also from around the world.

The research projects currently underway at Technum Québec are conducted in collaboration with the University of Sherbrooke, a founding member of the Bromont innovation zone. This strategic collaboration leverages the expertise and advanced infrastructure of the integrated innovation chain, which includes not only the university but also 3IT and C2MI, thus promoting innovation and technological development in the region. Through this synergy, Technum Québec and the University of Sherbrooke work together to push the boundaries of scientific and technological research, aligning their efforts to meet the current and future needs of the industry.

  • Technum Québec - Zone d'Innovation de Bromont

    Research project SoZI

    The result of a research partnership between universities, businesses, municipal administrations and innovation zones in Quebec, SoZI (for: Social dynamics of innovation zones) is a research project which aims to ensure that stakeholders of innovation adopt social anticipation practices that are inclusive, reflexive and reactive.


    Marie-Luc Arpin and Serge Ecoffey

  • Technum Québec - Zone d'Innovation de Bromont

    Research Chair on Nanomaterials for Integrated Photonics

    This research chair is to exploit the extraordinary properties of graphene to increase the performance of integrated photonic circuits and extend their fields of application.


    Mathieu Massicotte

  • Technum Québec - Zone d'Innovation de Bromont

    Research Chair in Microelectronic Assembly Technologies for Energy and Optoelectronics

    The research programming of this chair consists of developing a Fan-Out Wafer Level Packaging platform at C2MI and applying it to opto-electronic applications, and thus opening the way towards the integration of heterogeneous chip systems from different technologies (III-V, Si materials).


    Gwenaëlle Hamon

  • Technum Québec - Zone d'Innovation de Bromont

    C2MI Research Chair in Microfabrication and Integration

    Research aimed at developing materials and innovative microfabrication and integration processes that will add to C2MI’s current capabilities


    Serge Ecoffey

  • Technum Québec - Zone d'Innovation de Bromont

    NSERC-Teledyne DALSA Industrial Research Chair in Next Generation MEMS and Microphotonics

    Research aims to integrate new or improved materials, manufacturing processes and components into the industrial production of next-generation high-performance MEMS and microphotonic devices.


    Paul Charette and Luc Fréchette

  • Technum Québec - Zone d'Innovation de Bromont

    C2MI Research project in Advanced Microelectronic Encapsulation

    Research Chair in advanced microelectronic encapsulation to strengthen the vitality and sustainability of the C2MI ecosystem.


    Dave Danovitch

  • Technum Québec - Zone d'Innovation de Bromont

    NSERC-IBM Canada Industrial Research Chair on High-Performance Heterogeneous Integration

    Research aimed at using advanced encapsulation technologies for performance scaling.


    Dominique Drouin and Julien Sylvestre